Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Why We Need to Learn During Weekend

We are group of design architects/consultants who do network design in daily basis. We are spread in different countries across Asia, Europe and Middle East. We happen to have CCDE certification too. And all of us have the same dream to build the community filled up with real design experts, those who actually do design work to solve real world's network design problems. And we want to teach real design skills based on our experiences. To help those who want to become the next design architects/consultants, or to pass CCDE exam. To achieve this, we conduct design expert workshop in various locations, during the weekend.

Wait. What?

Why do we need to learn during the weekend?
It might be a good workshop. It might be an opportunity to hear real world's network design examples. It might be a good chance to meet another design professionals.
But come on, attending technical workshop during the weekend?

I hear you. I know how it feels.
After long hours of work during weekday, we deserve our weekend. When we need to learn something related to work, we should do it during workday. When we need to learn design, we can ask the company to send us for bootcamp training.

Here is my argument:
1. You want to learn design from design architects/consultants
2. These design architects/consultants do real design work everyday
3. It means they won't be available during workday to teach
They may take days off to conduct workshop, but there are only limited number of days off and most prefer to use them for some other activities.

It's not easy to everyone. It's hard to attend workshop during the weekend just as it's hard to conduct workshop during the weekend. But sometimes we have to try something different to achieve our dream.

The good thing about it? If the system works, once the community is built, you may be able to have this kind of workshop with design architects/consultans in your hometown in your native language (for non-English speakers).

Please send email to if you are interested to attend Design Expert Weekend in Dubai or in another locations in the future.

(Picture taken from devianart, found using Google Image)

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