Sunday, January 01, 2012

And then what?

You went to the best school in the country. You studied hard competing with many others. And finally you were graduated. And then what?

You got accepted in your first job. You worked hard trying to distinguish yourself from others. And finally you got yourself a promotion. And then what?

You were among the best at work. Suddenly you felt money is not the object anymore. Finally you could afford all the things you always wanted. And then what?

It's a new year and I feel like I haven't done much during the past one year to contribute to the community. For 2012 I set a target to put more focus on helping the professionals and students from my country so they know how to compete in global market too. Expect more WebEx sessions, more writings, more social media, and more knowledge and experience sharing workshops.

The new year's eve has passed. The firework show is over. Those who went out for hangover are already in bed.
And then what?

Happy new year 2012.


Anonymous said...

and then what ? - just live a peaceful and charitable life.... make contribution to people who are not fortunate enough - dying without food, clothing - basic needs.... need to be looked at....

this is what Bill Gates is doing isn't it ?

no matter on what scale, but worth the effort - if you've achieved your goal. now time to make someone else's better as a community....

Mirek Burnejko said...

Happy new year Himawan and as always thank you for posts. I wish to see some good (maybe even more technical) stuff this year.