Monday, July 05, 2010


Mondays. Hate by many, love by few. It doesn't matter because it's my 2nd week of vacation. Hate the heavy traffic due to Monday rush though, especially in Jakarta, the capital city of my country.

Contrary with what some of my friends believe, during my vacation I'm really disconnected from work. I'm completely unplugged. All my time is only for traveling with family, making photos with my M6, watching World Cup games, and enjoying my country food I've been missing because I've been far from home for too long.

I thought I could study for my next exam on July 19. But the new Himawan now thinks study is part of work. And as mentioned above, no work at all during vacation.

Let's just see what will happen then.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey man. you don't know me and i dont know you, so this is going to be pretty awkward, haha. I'm just a teenage stanger, but God just told me to leave a comment on your page. He told me to tell you to stay strong and run into His arms. Truly embrace God for all that He is man. I don't know what your going through, and i don't know why God wants me to do this, but I am praying for you man. I pray that whatever God want to happen in your life, you will really follow His will. ya know? cause He didn't just send His Son to die on the cross for us, He sent His Son to truly LIVE for us! the least we could do is offer up our lives as living sacrifices! Amen?! ha:) well thats all man.