Thursday, February 18, 2010

Say goodbye to Mr. Bull

Last night I spent 3 hours in Emergency Room. It started with some paint in my left foot while walking in front of Atlantis hotel to enjoy the sunset 2 days ago. Then I was driving yesterday when suddenly I had a very painful experience ever from the same feet, it became red and swollen, and felt like burning. It's so painful I needed someone to drove me to the E.R. After the painkiller injection, blood test, sitting on the wheelchair waiting for couple of hours for the lab result, the doctor said it was the Gout attack caused by high uric acid level.

So say hello to Mr. Uric Acid. Say goodbye to Mr. Red Bull, Mr. Lamb Chop, Ms. Seafood, Mr. Mandi Rice, and I will miss Ms. Junk Food too.

My biggest lost is if I have to stop drinking Red Bull. Mr. Bull has been the closest friend of mine, and the source of my energy for all the night work that I have to do. It's like the sun for Superman. Or the byte of the spider for Spiderman. (Batman is not counted since he can be one because he's rich!) Without Red Bull it will be difficult for me to stay awake for the whole night.

This morning, even I still can't wear my shoes and can barely walk, I have to stand before my customer to present the migration plan that we will be executing in the next few weeks. The execution means long and consecutive sleepless nights await.

I have to find a new source of energy, I guess.


Big Evil said...

Bro' i feel your pain. I can't imagine a life with RB, not those little tins either, but the biggest size they do.

That and a two Starbucks a day keep me as high as a kite on a windy day.

Sorry for your loss. :)

Bruno said...

Take Care of health buddy !!!!

Anonymous said...

Meditate 20mins a day buddy! that will give you all the energy you need without the aid of RB or starbucks! although I still like my starbucks once in a while :)

Marc said...

Red Bull is liquid poison.

Unknown said...

Sorry about that. Maybe pick up excessive coffee drinking?

Anonymous said...

Clearly you need to take care of your health more..Without it we cant function right..Wishing you a quick recovery.

Andrew said...

take care! Mr Himawan :)

Anonymous said...

Hey Himawan,

Take care of your health, RB is all artificial stuff, body has to cope with all the also has limitations..

Your health is more important for your job, your wellbeing and mostly family.

Take care my friend and wishing you a quick recovery.

Abdul Raaz
(ex-cisco dude)

Anonymous said...

I hope you recover quickly, and realise now that drinks such as that are potentially lethal. Stay off that crap for good.

Giovanni Perteghella said...

Take care, life game is only 1-coin

Anonymous said...

Hi Himawan,

Hope you are feeling better now mate.
Take care of yourself.
Thanks for sharing the news of .As of now no more redbull and V for me.
Take care chief,

Raj said...

Sorry to hear..Take care of yourself..i wish you recover soon..

Anonymous said...

Hello HN,

Sorry to hear about that, now you have to visit Mr. Caffeine... ;), and take care of your health,

By the way, any news about your CCDE exam results ? I hope you'll get it :)

Evans Mutiti said...
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Evans Mutiti said...

Good old coffee will do.