Do you know what my problem is?
250 million people in Indonesia, and there are only about 160 CCIEs.
I'm not saying the whole population must become CCIE or must learn about computer networking. But think about how many networks are there in Indonesia:
We have 7 mobile operators.
We have more than 100 Internet Service Providers.
We have one mobile operator with more than 100 million subscribers.
And there are only less than 200 individuals who have reached the expert skill level in IP network technology.
There are many expatriates who currently work in my country. We don't need to replace them all with Indonesian professionals. But at least we need to make sure Indonesians have the same level of skill set, and they are given the same opportunity to compete.
I'm thinking that the solution is not to make every network engineer to become CCIE. It has to go beyond that. The solution must transform Indonesia's next generations, young professionals and students, to become globally competitive professionals. To become professionals who possess the complete package from social network, technical skill and soft skill, and extensive experiences.
So they can compete in global market. So they can move around the world, or stay to develop the country from inside. So they can fill up the jobs in many Indonesian technology companies. Or as many like to say: to become the host in our own country.
That's my problem.
And I'm planning to solve it, one professional at a time.